The Best Uses for Oriental Rugs

Oriental rugs have been important additions to households for the past fifty years. Before running out to buy one, however, you should consider whether an oriental rug is right for your space.

Oriental rugs are wonderful additions to heavily trafficked rooms and hallways. The dark colors of oriental rugs are great at hiding stains and spills that would ruin lighter colored rugs. Likewise, oriental rugs are often admired for their durability, making them a great choice for households with pets and children.

An oriental rug can also add excitement to an otherwise drab room. However, in a room already full of color it may be an unnecessary distraction. Consider using an oriental rug to give warmth to a tile floor or eloquence to a modern-styled setting. Often times, the straight lines and square features of modern furnishings can feel sterile or overbearing. An oriental rug is a great way to give crisp rooms a vibrant and lively aura.

Oriental rugs are a welcome sight outside the living room as well. More and more often, homeowners are using oriental rugs in kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. In a monochrome bathroom, for instance, a small oriental rug can serve as a bath mat and enliven the surroundings.