Bexar County Could Get Nation’s First Bookless Public Library

Bexar County could become home to the country’s very first public e-library.

The initiative is being pushed forward by County Judge Nelson W. Wolff who told the San Antonio Express-News that he was inspired to build a bookless library after reading Walter Issacson’s biography of Apple founder Steve Jobs. Wolff believes that future generations will have little use for hardback and paperback books so many of us still enjoy today.

The library will offer books online as well as in a building on the south side of the county. Visitors to the physical location would be able to check out books on their own tablets or e-readers, or borrow one of the library’s 150 take-home e-readers.

Currently Bexar County doesn’t have a library of its own, but instead pays the city of San Antonio $3.7 million per year for access to its library.

While Wolff is optimistic about the project’s success, similar proposals in other states haven’t been so lucky. A small branch in Prima County, Arizona switched to e-books in 2002, but was forced to start stocking print materials in response to community demand. Likewise, a library branch in Newport, California considered going paperless in 2011, only to have the proposal shot down amidst public outcry.

Despite these setbacks, book buying trends seem to be going in favor of the paperless option. Last June, e-book sales beat out hardcover sales for the very first time. In 2013, a bookless library might finally make sense to the public.

Here at Steamer’s Carpet Care, we’re excited to hear that our very own Bexar County could become a key player in this new era of reading and we look forward to learning more about this project.

Steamer’s Carpet Care offers carpet cleaning and other cleaning services to the San Antonio area. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.