10 Jun Fleas and Your Carpet
Steamer’s Carpet Care Owner, Jon Bibb, is here to answer some common questions from customers. Today’s carpet cleaning topic is “Fleas and Your Carpet” See the video for Jon’s answer.
Jon explains, that every year around summer time, our carpet cleaning technicians will get asked, if the steam used during carpet cleanings, will kill any fleas that may be trapped in the carpets. The simple and easy answer is no. Steam cleaning does not contain the appropriate products to eliminate fleas. Jon is the owner of a pest control company as well, and very knowledgable in pest control treatment.
If you do have a flea infestation, Steamer’s Carpet Care encourages you to call your local pest control company (LoveBug Pest Control at 210) 396-7100 or (830) 358-7965) to rid your carpet of fleas properly and effectively.