How To Recycle Your Carpet

At Steamer’s Carpet Care, we hate letting things go to waste. Many of us have made an effort to recycle in our homes for years now, and we believe it’s important to find another use for everything we can, including carpet. That belief inspired us to write Tuesday’s blog post, where we gave tips for using carpet to soundproof a room. Today, though, we want to give you other practical tips for recycling your carpet.

  • Try cutting your carpet into small squares and keeping it around to help you move furniture without lifting it.
  • Use bigger strips of carpet as a cushion for your knees when you’re gardening or doing other close-to-the-ground activities.
  • Line your pet’s dog house with carpet to keep it more insulated when winter rolls around.
  • Clean window screens with carpet scraps.
  • Cut strips the size of your kitchen shelves and use those to cushion your shelves, preventing your pots and pans from damaging the shelves.
  • Keep weeds out of your walking path by placing carpet scraps upside down between the pavers and covering with bark mulch.

Once you’ve run out of uses in your home for old carpet, take the rest to a carpet recycler. Companies have figured out how to use old carpet to make building materials, auto parts and even new carpet. Many carpet stores in San Antonio will accept your carpet for recycling.

If you think you need to get rid of your carpet because it’s dirty, think again. Our technicians are masters at cleaning carpet, and they can get your carpet looking as good as new. Contact Steamer’s Carpet Care today to schedule a carpet cleaning appointment.