How To Get Rid Of Bathroom Mold

We have all gone a little too long before we cleaned the bathroom. Maybe we avoided it for a week and, finally, our procrastination caught up with us and forced us to our knees with a scrubbing brush and a smelly house-cleaner. Tile and grout in the bathroom are exposed to a lot of moisture, high temperatures, and little air circulation. Sometimes water can even leak behind the tiles. These are three ways that mold can start to form in your bathroom which is why you you need to constantly keep it clean. Our professional cleaning uses high-grade techniques to keep mold from ever showing up in your bathroom again. Call us today at 210-654-7700 for a professional-grade tile and grout cleaning. Meanwhile, here is some more information about mold and what you can do to prevent it.

Bathroom Moldbathrrommold.steamers: What’s the Big Deal?

Obviously it looks really bad, like your tiles are seeping out some mysterious black sap or they have dirt behind their fingernails, and nobody wants to feel like the place where they are supposed to be cleaning themselves is actually full of harmful bacteria. However, that is exactly what mold is: harmful bacteria, if not taken care of.

Mold is a live bacteria that thrives in still and humid areas. Mold can lead to harmful health conditions for people already predisposed to asthma and allergies. Elderly and the young are also extremely susceptible to sickness from mold.

Once you have bacteria in your bathroom, a professional cleaning might be the only way to truly get rid of all of it. We use high-pressure steam systems and vacuums to get your tile and grout completely clean and free of any dirty particles.

What Can You Do After Cleaning Mold?

After your bathroom has been cleaned, you’ll need to continually keep the air circulated to keep mold from returning. If you have a window, keeping it open for a few days a week can help circulate the air, or putting a fan in your bathroom also helps circulation. These techniques can really help keep the air from remaining stagnant enough for bacteria to grow.

Another way to prevent mold after our professional cleaning, is using a simple vinegar water solution:

  • fill a spray bottle with equal parts vinegar and water.
  • After you shower, spray a mist of this solution over the entirety of the grout and tile in your bathroom.
  • Continue this after each shower to prevent mold

Call us today for more information on tile and grout cleaning and how we can get your bathroom look more like a spa.